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StargazingLive Avalon Marshes

It was overcast and raining of course, but 50 people turned up to the Avalon Marshes center at Shapwick Heath on Friday 10th.  Bill showed some of his excellent deep sky images and used the audience as guinea pigs in a successful long exposure experiment. Good fun. I did a short talk on meteorites which appeared to go down well.

As the forecast for the following night looked promising, people were invited to turn up for an observing session if they wished. Twenty five did, and although the moon was pretty bright, they were able view it, and also got some good views of Jupiter and M42 and do some constellation spotting.

The next event at Avalon Marshes center will be at 7 pm on Friday 7 February. To book a place please contact Simon Clarke on 01458 860120 or email Simon.Clarke@naturalengland.org.uk

Don’t forget that we now meet in the Village Hall, New Road, Norton sub Hambdon, TA14 6SF



This entry was posted on Monday, January 13th, 2014 at 8:26 pm.

1 Comment »

  1. Turned up for the meeting in the church hall, Crewkerne on Wednesday 15 Jan, only to find a notice that the meetings have been moved to Norton Sub Hambdon!
    I know there were discussions about finding another meeting place but the last I heard we were trying to stay in Crewkerne.
    This appears to have been a very sudden decision as I was at the November meeting but unfortunately missed the December meeting where I guess the decision was taken to move.
    Very disappointed that I will no longer be able to attend due to the move out of Crewkerne.

    Comment by Terry Hillier — 15 January, 2014 @ 8:02 pm

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