« September ’15 Sky notes | October 2015 Sky notes »
Thanks to all who turned up on a rather wet evening. It was good to welcome Caroline, Maureen, Alan and Barry. We hope they enjoyed the evening.
Ron did a session on Rocks from Space, followed by Bob’s ‘Object of the Month’ and Arthur’s ‘Constellation of the month’. We had time for Bill to share his great shot of the Elephant Trunk nebula and some sunspots and Ron also showed some H-alpha images of an active area and large prominence. In the break there was also time to do a short ‘setting up a mount ‘ clinic.
A lot of us would like to visit the Norman Lockyer Observatory and Arthur will investigate this for us.
It seemed to me that the hall was cleared in record time at the end thanks to many hands making light work. Thanks too as usual to Zena for refreshments and to everyone who helped in the kitchen.
Next month Bob Mizon will be doing his Astronomy Picture of the Day presentation. What will it be this time I wonder. Whatever, it’s going to be good!
In the meanwhile, don’t forget to at least look out your window for the total eclipse of the moon on 28th September even if it means setting the alarm for an ungodly hour of around 3 am.
Wells and Mendip Astronomers along with the Interplanetary Society will be hosting an exhibition of space art ‘Artists in Space’ in Wells and Mendip Museum from Saturday 7th November to 21 November. The work of top artists will be on display.
Also of note is a major exhibition ‘Cosmonauts’ at the Science Museum in London. This highlights the Russian space program and will have some rarely seen artefacts. Check the Museum website for details.
Our next meeting is Wednesday 21 October. Hope you can make it.
This entry was posted on Thursday, September 17th, 2015 at 3:52 pm.
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