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March meeting report

All we needed was for the clouds to stay away for one hour. One hour! No chance. Just as the shadow transits of Jupiter started, in they rolled. And there they stayed until our meeting was over. Only then did some of us manage to glimpse the shadows between breaks in the murk. Sadly some people had left by then, so missed the opportunity. That’s astronomy in the UK for you! Many thanks to Pete and Mike for staying out with the ’scopes to monitor the situation.

Fortunately, during the rest of the meeting, Nigel Colling was able to share his varied and entertaining Space News with us despite having to leave his sick bed to do it and having to beat the technology into submission. What a hero! Thanks Nigel, don’t know what we’d have done without you.

Thanks also to Arthur Davis for his Constellation Notes featuring Leo and its many deep sky delights.
The evening finished with Bud, Pete, Ron and Bill’s images. Bud’s Jupiter shots were as usual outstanding and it was great that Pete now has the time again to produce the deep sky shots he does so well.

Thanks of course to Richard, Zena, Annabelle and Mike for their catering and to those who helped them in the kitchen.

Next month, Bob Mizon will be presenting ‘Names in the Sky’. It’s Bob, so need I say more? See you April 20th.


This entry was posted on Thursday, March 17th, 2016 at 12:31 pm.

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