« December 2015 Sky notes | MERRY CHRISTMAS! »
We certainly had a hugely enjoyable Christmas meeting.
Steve Tonkin’s talk on the so- called ’Star of Bethlehem’ was thought provoking and delivered with his usual panache. Was the mystery solved? Maybe, maybe not, but his conclusion that the object in question might have been Halley’s comet may have had as much (or more?) going for it as any other speculation. This is certainly one case of an ‘enduring mystery’. Thanks for that presentation Steve.
Thanks, too, to Bob for his ‘Object of the Month’ and to Arthur for his January 16 sky notes.
We were delighted to receive the CADAS calendars designed, produced and donated by Lorna. Apart from the fact that they are so cleverly done, and look so good, it was very generous of Lorna to give them to us. Thank you very much Lorna!
What a spread we had too. Many thanks go to Zena and her ‘elves’ and to those who brought the many delectables: lovely grub… and that punch was delicious. Thanks also to the many hands that made light(ish) work in the kitchen afterwards and helped with setting up and clearing away the hall. (By the way, and whilst I think of it, please don’t get used to having a free raffle every month! This one was just for Christmas.)
Next month our good friend James Fradgley will be coming to share his ‘Cosmic Miscellany’. Now what will that be? Can’t wait to find out!
Season’s greetings from CADAS
This entry was posted on Thursday, December 17th, 2015 at 4:44 pm.
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