« October 2015 Sky notes | Space Art Exhibition »
Great meeting on Wednesday as always. Thank you to Arthur for standing in for Ron. Thanks also to Bob for showing us some great images courtesy of http://apod.nasa.gov/ Lots of images including cloud formations, volcanoes and water flows on Mars with Bob leaving his favourite image until last – A Plutonian mountainscape.
As usual some great images from Bill too as well as Arthur’s constellation of the month – Perseus, a video of the recent Lunar Eclipse from Bud and a short talk on the Object of the Month from Bob – Al Giedi alpha Capricorni.
Next month is a members’ short talks evening – look forward to seeing you there!
Don’t forget to check out our website www.cadas.net
This entry was posted on Friday, October 23rd, 2015 at 4:19 pm.
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