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The Mizar Planetarium was the main feature at this month’s meeting thanks to Bob Mizon. The two shows allowed the forty or so attendees to enjoy Bob’s great presentations and at least one person said she would have been happy to stay all night under the stars in the dome. Thanks Bob.
It was good to welcome Mark, Tom and Ian who were first time visitors. We hope both that they enjoyed the evening and that we will be able to welcome them back.
The rest of our meeting was filled with Arthur Davis’ Monthly Sky Notes and images by Bill and Ron.
As always, thanks to Zena for our refreshments and to those kind people who helped with the washing up and putting away. Your help is much appreciated.
Next month’s talk will be Rocks from Space - unless one gets us before then of course…
In the meanwhile, Wells and Mendip Astronomers will be holding a free public event on Saturday 29 August in Wells Town Hall to which all are invited. CADAS will be there.
This entry was posted on Thursday, August 20th, 2015 at 7:54 pm.
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