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June meeting

It was good to welcome our visitors including the Winch family.
Unfortunately, our scheduled speaker Gemma Lavender wasn’t able to make it to the meeting but Bob Mizon kindly offered to fill in. Bob’s talk on Bangs, Wimps and Branes certainly made us think.  However despite Bob’s best efforts, whether we’re any nearer knowing what was there at the beginning – whenever that was – and what will happen at the end – if there is one, remained an open question. Many thanks to Bob for a great talk as usual. Bob also did his ‘object of the month’ presentation followed by Arthur Davis’ sky notes. We finished with some excellent images from Bill Reed.

We’re hoping that Gemma can make it next month and any news will be posted on the site.


This entry was posted on Friday, June 19th, 2015 at 3:10 pm.

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