« Bruton School for Girls | Eclipse »
Another enjoyable and instructive evening! Thanks to Bob Mizon for his excellent presentation on 7 Moons. Not that Bob confined us to those 7. His account of the other moon-like objects out there was as usual, fascinating.
Quite coincidentally, Bob’s object of the month the constellation Monoseros, coincided with Arthur’s selected constellation for his monthly sky notes and some of Bill Read’s great images including the Christmas tree and Cone nebulae and Barnard’s variable nebula .Spooky!
Ron shared a lucky recently taken H alpha image of a solar post flare loop.
Thanks to Zena and all who helped with refreshments and the all important kitchen duties.
If you have any ‘beginners’ questions’ don’t forget to let me have them, or you can bring them to the next meeting. Bud’s session next month will have a back to basics theme which I know will be of interest to many. Please feel free to bring any equipment you need a hand with.
This entry was posted on Thursday, March 19th, 2015 at 9:52 pm.
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