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February ’15 meeting.

First, it was great to welcome so many new visitors. Thanks for coming along and we hope to see you again next time.

Our own home grown speaker Bill Reed’s talk on the solar system was just the ticket and it’s clear we’ve found another media star in the making. Thanks Bill, great talk and a revision session that was greatly enjoyed.

Thanks too, to Arthur Davis for his monthly sky notes for March. These will be on our website near the end of this month.

Well done to Earnest Staines for making the parallelogram mount for his ‘bins. Great job.Thanks for the pictures Earnest. No more stiff necks for you, then. :-)

As usual we ended with members’ images and a hilarious video of an amazing flying machine/rocketĀ  which defies description.

Next month, Bob Mizon’s talk will be ’7 Moons’. Which ones will he choose? Come along to find out.


This entry was posted on Thursday, February 19th, 2015 at 3:49 pm.

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