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April meeting.

First, a ‘thanks for coming and hope to see you again’ to our visitors and a warm welcome to those who joined CADAS last night. It was a lively meeting with a wonderful speaker. Paul Hyde’s  description of amateur radio astronomy certainly went a very long way to taking some of the mystery out of the activity. Who knew that observation at radio wavelengths did not require a  degree in electronics and an outlay of thousands. Some software, a dongle and some copper pipe?? Who’d a thunk it! This is an area we really must explore further.

It was a bit of a rush, but we managed to get out for a good ISS pass and a couple of iridium flares. Thanks to all who cleared up the grass cuttings we tramped into the hall when we went back in. That man playing with  the big double sweeper (you know who you are) left at least 3 bits. :-)

Details of next month’s meeting are awaited, so watch this space.

Finally, thanks to Zena and the refreshment crew and all the usual suspects who helped get the show on the road.



This entry was posted on Thursday, April 17th, 2014 at 9:32 am.

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