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March 2014 meeting
A warm welcome to our new members.
We were treated to an excellent presentation by Bud Budzynski that was both entertaining and informative. Now we know a bit more about how Bud produces those superb images he treats us to. Not sure many of us (except perhaps Bill) would be taking a drill to the back of a scope like his though. You’re a brave man, Bud!
Thanks to Arthur for this month’s sky notes, to Zena and helpers for refreshments and to Chole for so glamourously modeling our branded merchandise. Lorna reported that she had record sales afterwards.
For once the skies were clear so we were able to do some viewing after the meeting. Thanks to Bill for quickly setting this up and to all who helped on the evening.
Next month Paul Hyde’s presentation will deal with Radio Astronomy for Amateurs. Should be fascinating! Can’t wait.
This entry was posted on Thursday, March 20th, 2014 at 11:00 am.
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To Ron, Arthur, Bud and all the CADAS members,
Thank you for allowing me to attend your meeting last night. It was a pleasure to get the chance to talk to some of you and I really enjoyed Arthur’s sky notes and Bud’s talk on living with astronomy. I’d appreciate it if someone could let me know the name of the stacking software that Bud referred to – I have Registax 6 already but can’t recall the name of the first one he mentioned. I am more of a DSO photographer myself and have only dabbled in planetary – after seeing Bud’s images I am now inspired to try and hone my skills.
I look forward to next month.
Comment by David Pickles — 20 March, 2014 @ 10:29 pm
Already replied personally to David’s question but in case anyone else is interested the acquisition software is FireCapture while the stacking is done using AutoStakkert2. Sharpening is via Registax6.
Hope that helps.
Comment by Bud — 21 March, 2014 @ 11:41 pm
Ron, Bud,
I finally managed to get outside and test out the software last night using a QHY IMG132E webcam and 2x Powermate on my 190MN pro. Really impressed with AutoStakkert2 and starting to get the hang of wavelets in Registax6. Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Not very good seeing, but I’m fairly pleased with the amount of detail I have managed to pull out. https://flic.kr/p/mMwYS1
Comment by David Pickles — 5 April, 2014 @ 12:36 pm