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Martin Griffiths

Excellent talk by Martin  on black holes last night was it not? We’ll certainly ask him back! Good to see so many people at the meeting and thanks to all who ‘volunteered’ to foster those books.

We still need a team for the quiz on 26th at Norman Lockyer. Please let me or know if you’d like to take part. It’s just a fun thing and Bob will be quiz master not Anne Robinson.

In case you haven’t spotted it, the CADAS ‘stargazing live’ events got a mention in this month’s Astronomy Now.  Some of us are planning to meet at the field around 8.30 on April 1 or if cloudy the next evening. Why not join us.

Clear skies


This entry was posted on Thursday, March 17th, 2011 at 10:37 am.

1 Comment »

  1. It was a great talk. Thought he was a bit harsh on old Penrose et al, thought experiments lead to unexpected and often useful places. But then I’m a mathematician so I would say that! He was a good speaker though and I came away knowing a lot more than I did when I arrived, which is always a very good thing.

    Comment by Ian — 17 March, 2011 @ 7:35 pm

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