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NSEW Family Open Day at the Norman Lockyer Observatory

I took Ella (4) and Sam (9) to the NSEW family open day at the Norman Lockyer Observatory today. Most of the domes were open and the old telescopes on display. Being the place where helium was discovered (by looking at emission lines from the sun) there was a sunny theme which was sadly not supported by the sun itself. It was so cloudy we actually left in mist.

Fortunately there was plenty to do. Students from Colyton Grammar School were there with experiments to do. We made (leaky) lava lamps, paper rockets, found out why we couldn’t pull two books apart and lost several Maltesers due to misdirected centrifugal forces.

The planetarium show, which was preceded by a great story teller, was great. We travelled to the North Pole, the equator and New Zealand, all from comfy seats near Sidmouth. It was all clearly explained by a very knowledgeable presenter.

As we all so often say, despite the weather, it was a grand day out.


This entry was posted on Monday, March 14th, 2011 at 3:39 pm.

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